Saturday, March 8, 2014

Red Mars (1993). Kim Stanley Robinson.

(ebook) It's becoming a tradition to start the year with a Sci Fi recommendation from Marchebout. I asked for a techno-thriller, but didn't like Red Mars.

The main plot of the story is the colonization of the planet, the logistics, technical challenges and politics. In many points it read more as a project plan,  a blue print, rather than a novel, too much to my taste. He switches the narrative from one character to another, which is not bad on itself, except that few of the characters are compelling (the psychologist, the japanese biologist / cult leader).

The less believable aspect of the book is not the far fetched technology to colonize mars, or to revert aging, not even the idea that billions of dollars would be invested for that purpose. The most unlikely premise is the idea that most people spend their energies building, constructing, making progress, instead of looking for self-benefit.

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